
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Conceptually Driven -

A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.

  • State of the studio - October 2010

    State of the studio - October 2010 image Since my last studio update, everything has changed. I have gotten married, opened my own commercial shop, and moved the studio in with the web, effectively declaring myself a professional artist, without a single sale. Good thing I have other skills to back that up. I’ve been working for a terrific San Francisco based web shop to hold down the fort while securing wall space and painting time in the other parts of my rented retail space. Last weekend I declared my first ever “Art Bender” - meaning I hit the paints every day and even a third time on Wednesday. There were a couple of elements that made this Bender different from other painting efforts. I purchased 9 new canvases of 3 different sizes, brush cleaners and soaps, and new brushes, and had these supplies in-hand. The new canvas sizes assisted composition impulses. The brush cleaner held down the fumes until uncapped, and provided the right texture for bristle rinsing. The soap revived 12 11-year-old brushes (some still bear...
  • Real work for peace -13 Grandmothers at a time

    Real work for peace -13 Grandmothers at a time image The International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers is working for peace; spiritually, energetically, and in other ways we might not expect: In October 2005, the Grandmothers Council sent a letter to the Vatican for the repeal of papal edicts dating back to 1493, which granted dominion to European nations over lands occupied by tribal peoples for thousands of years. Read more Were you even aware that such an edict existed? I wasn't. I want to be sick, yet I'm also thrilled and grateful to this group for unearthing such acts of history and not tolerating their current standing. As a person who truly believes that all people are equal and have equal gifts to share in coexistence, I see dire need for this work all around me. I try to make my contributions through my art and web development, as well as every day in the presence of others, yet these efforts are young and minimal. Though they won't stop, it can still be frustrating to see their lack of impact. I believe that this work...
  • Self as Informant

    I am underinformed. Underexposed. Underperforming. Under a rock. No, seriously! There is so little to make art about that I just don’t. its not I don’t want to - but what about? How? If I can do anything, why do anything? But this is unacceptable. I’m a capable professional in other aspects and I can’t even coach my own painting? Ok. ok. Maybe if I start reading.. My first move is to pick up the exhibition catalog from Eye Infection, featuring artists Robert Crumb, Jim Nutt, Peter Saul, H.C. Westerman, and Mike Kelley; five men without permission or collaboration successfully deconstructing perception same as the “rules” of conceptual and fine art. Or at least now that’s what they are known for, without the whole rogue aspect: they are all monumentally celebrated now for breaking a tradition that was redefined as such along the same lineage. Its a surprise to myself that I haven’t looked at this book in years despite schlepping it around and admiring its spine whenever I enter...
  • State of the Studio - 05/05/10

    I'm pleased to say that I have left the 9-5 workforce in favor of making my dreams come true in the ways of creative work and living the American dream. In this brave new world, I'm finding that I'm standing on the edge of something powerful I've only dreamed of getting this close to before. Its not only great, but numbing. Now that I'm here, what do I do? What efforts do I need to make? Where should I focus my attention? How do I go further than this? In looking into myself for answers, I come up remarkably blank. This has been the trouble, however, for awhile. Its nothing new. Same ol' too much to do and not enough time. Same ol' money first, creativity last. Same ol' peripheral tasks that numb my brain and consume my energy. On top of that, a terrific partner who deserves and gets a lot of my quality time. Its not that I don't have time to do work - its more that I'm the type of person that is likely to act on motivation to avoid pain than to derive pleasure or, in the case of m...

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